There's a sync client for computers and apps for Android, BlackBerry and iOS. Kim Dotcom, the man responsible for the infamous Megaupload, built Mega - it bills itself as a privacy company because it performs end-to-end encryption on all files stored on its servers - this means that as you upload data, it gets encrypted and only gets decrypted when you download it on another device. Answering a survey gets you 5GB and linking an additional device to your account gets you extra 5GB. You can also earn up to 1 Terabyte of additional free storage by doing a few things: referring a friend gets you a huge 10GB bonus, tweeting/re-tweeting Surdoc or engaging with Surdoc on Facebook gets you 1GB extra each time. There are no apps or downloads – you have to access everything using a web browser - just sign in on. The most generous of the lot, Surdoc offers 100GB for free – no catch.